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Your Life By Design Workshop Series

Are you ready for 2023 to be YOUR year?!

The last couple of years have been ALOT! For many, we have been operating in survival mode, just trying to get through the days and handle whatever situation comes at us next.

Living this way can put a strain on your relationships, destroy your health, and lead you to a life with little joy, creativity or innovation. 

But it doesn't have to be this way!!!

That's why we have created this four part workshop series to help you take the reigns on your life and create 2023 by design. 

Workshop One : The Foundation of Healthy Relationships

April 29, 2023

Wouldn't it feel empowering to learn how YOU can take charge of your life and learn how YOU can create the types of relationships in your life you desire? 

Our first workshop is just that! We are going to be covering one of the most fundamental concepts in personal growth that will give you the tools you need to improve any relationship in your life! 

We are going to have fun, laugh, (maybe cry some tears of relief) and learn so much together! 

Did we mention this is just the first workshop in our series of FOUR this year? 

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Our Four Part Workshop Series

We take LIFE BY DESIGN very seriously here at DONiiA. Each of our founders have years of experience in the personal and professional development world, as well as business, human behavior, and spirituality. 

We have taken all of our knowledge and experience and put them into these four 3 hour workshops that will be offered once every quarter. 

  • WORKSHOP ONE: The Foundation of Healthy Relationships

    April 29, 2023 

  • WORKSHOP TWO: The Truth About Listening

    May 20, 2023 OR June 3, 2023

  • WORKSHOP THREE: Confidence & Communication Mastery

    September 30, 2023 OR October 14, 2023

  • WORKSHOP FOUR: Living an Aligned, Connected Life

    November 18, 2023 OR December 2, 2023


The Foundation of Healthy Relationships

What if all you needed to take charge of your life was to learn how to operate from one simple philosophy and understand how those around you operate? 

Responsible living is understanding that you are in the driver seat for EVERYTHING in your life! Sounds daunting doesn't it? But we promise that this is one of the most empowering concepts you will ever learn! 


The Truth About Listening

Do you ever feel like nobody hears you? The truth is, we as humans, have become really poor listeners! It's time that we get back to the basics and learn how to really hear each other again. This workshop is designed to not only learn how to listen better to others, but teach you how to ask for what you need so that your relationships can grow and thrive unlike ever before!


Confidence & Communication Mastery

Have you ever struggled with communicating what you are experiencing? Do you struggle to receive feedback that will support you in growth? In this workshop you will be given one of the greatest gifts to know how you are showing up in relationships, and be able to effectively communicate to others how they are showing up for you. 

Living an Aligned, Connected Life

Are you tired of hustling? 

The truth is, when we are constantly operating from our egos and searching for validation externally, we find ourselves burnt out, disconnected, and questioning the purpose of our lives. This workshop is the final piece to creating your life by design! Let's get you connected with you sister, and in alignment with the things that really matter!

What are you waiting for?! 

Your Life By Design Starts NOW!

*PS: You don't have to be a member to take the workshops, but we totally think you should join our membership too! 

**PPS: You don't have to sign up for all four workshops but we totally think you should! They all build off one another, which is why we have given you such a killer deal on all four, because we want you to WIN in 2023! 

***PPS: If you're worried about not making the specific workshop dates, we have you covered! Recordings of the trainings will be available to pre registered students. 

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© 2022 DONiiA

Formerly know as The Women's Impact Academy